Did you know that 85% of all dancers will have a musculoskeletal injury during their career with over 50% of these injuries occurring in the foot or ankle?

Dancing is an elegant activity that requires a balance of strength, flexibility and stamina. This combination makes dance one of the most demanding sports on a person’s feet and lower limb structures and hence the high percentage of presentation of lower limb injuries in the foot and ankle.

Researchers have looked at common dance injuries and found the list to be extensive which includes:

  • Achilles Tendinopathies

  • Forefoot Bursitis

  • Metatarsal Stress Reactions/Fractures

  • Ankle sprains and fractures

  • Ankle impingement

  • Trigger toe

Dancing is a demanding activity on the body, legs and feet and thus we commonly see overuse injuries build up over time. This can occur as dancers:

That have increased the volume or amount of training.

Have increased the intensity of training.

Have transitioned to pointe for Ballet

Have overextended their training with cross-training and other activities.


How Podiatry can help:

Scott our Podiatrist has specific training in the rehabilitation of lower limb and feet injuries. He has a history of working with elite dancers from Queensland ballet and travelling companies when on tour.

Scott provides a comprehensive physical examination, functional assessment and gait assessment to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan to provide long term recovery.

“Dancers work hard and plus dancing is very demanding on the feet and legs so though it can be a process to manage injuries I am always motivated to keep them dancing and active whilst recovery”.

“One of the missing components for many dancers, particularly as they transition to higher levels, is strength and conditioning of their bodies. In children, this coincides with growing bodies and should be managed with a gradual loading program.”

Strengthening of the lower limbs can help reduce and prevent injury during dancing. Strengthening programs can be customised to your needs and the good news is many of them do not need much if any equipment, there is no need to lift heavy weights to be strong.

Strong healthy bodies start with the feet and legs and management of musculoskeletal injuries are our focus at Kallangur Podiatry.